Monday, September 10, 2012

A Mediation on Joshua 1:1-9

            The scripture says that when Moses dies now Joshua and all of the people have to prepare to cross over the Jordan and God is instructing Joshua to remember that He has given them every place that they have been to, just as God promised Moses. God is giving them a huge about of land and territory and then no one will be able to stand against them they will be so big, and to remember that He will be with them as He was with Moses and God won’t ever leave or forsake them. God is reminding them to be strong and courageous because the land will be distributed among them just as He promised. God is also telling them to be strong and courageous to carefully observe the whole instruction that His servant Moses commanded them. He warns them to not stray from those instructions so that they will have success wherever they go. The instructions must always be spoken from you, reciting it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. Then you will prosper and succeed in anything you do. God goes on to explain to them: “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous?” and He tells Joshua to never be afraid or discouraged, because the Lord your God is with him wherever he goes.
That means when things go wrong, or people leave, or life just doesn’t go the way we planned it, remember to prepare for the journey that God has for you. Also don’t forget that God has gotten you this far, has protected you and provided for you in life through all of your past trials, tribulations, journeys and blessings in disguise so He will get you through this new and different stage in life as well. He will tell you exactly where He wants you, and no one will be able to stand you because you’ll be in His will and even if you fail, He has the ultimate victory so you aren’t really losing, but just fulfilling what He has already had planned. God is reminding us that He will never leave us or forsake us. He is also telling us to be strong and courageous in what we do for Him and because of Him. Also be strong and courageous in carefully observing the Bible and instruction He has given us, and meditate and recite it daily so that we may understand it, but not miss the forest for the trees, and in doing all of these things we will prosper and succeed in whatever we do for God’s glory. Again, be strong and courageous; do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord our God is with us wherever we go.
 In light of this passage I will remember to not fret over the little things, and to remember that when big changes to happen and when I may not see or understand why or not even like it, God has a plan and will be glorified through it. He has taken me this far in life, so I need to realize He will get me through every other circumstance. I will remember to be in His word daily and to hide it in my heart so that I may grow stronger in Him and that He may manifest even greater in my life. This passage will remind me to be strong and courageous through all things and to know that God is with me wherever I go.
It could almost be looked at like so: because of Moses’ death, Joshua and the people are sent through the Jordan and into all the land of the Hittites and the surrounding area to tell people about God and what He as done through their lives, pretty much like a long and permanent mission trip. God will provide and has His will for your life planned out for you. You’ve just got to follow Him and it and the instruction, or Bible, he has given you, and know it, meaning spend time in it daily and remembering it in your heart to share, learn from, live by, rely on and fall back on. 

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