Monday, August 6, 2012

Chapter 4: “Earliest Memories”

             They say you cant remember anything before three years old, so this story is not in my memory, but in my parent’s, and every once in a while it will creep out of the shadows and be retold. Tanner, Spencer and I were two or three; it was nap time and mom had taken our baby mattresses out of the cribs and onto the floor, and put a gate up at the door as she went to lie down on the couch. Usually, we’d fuss a bit, and then just go to sleep, but this day was different. Just as mom was dosing off, she heard this horrible, ear splitting cry. I’m sure her worst fears were running through her head as she ran to our room to check on us; she saw Spencer and I sitting next to Tanner, as he was crying with no end in sight. She rushes over to pick him up to try and figure out what was wrong, yet she saw nothing out of the ordinary, so she started rubbing his back, trying to sooth him, and she felt that his shirt was damp. Mom lifted Tanner’s shirt and saw all of these red teeth marks covering his back and in disbelief she puts the pieces together that Spencer and I had bitten him all over. To this day we don’t know why, and to this day, that day is remembered infamously. But thankfully, we have certainly changed, and since that day, we haven’t bitten anyone else.

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