Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chapter 10: Epilogue

            Six months later. A preview.
Over six hundred miles away and it gets easier and harder each day. Easier to cope with being gone but missing them more and more every day I’m away. Spencer and Caitlin are off at Baylor, I’m here at Union and everything is going smoothly. School is school, lame, difficult at times, always having to work at it, but enjoyable enough. But the friends I’ve made have got me through. Oh the friends. There’s a core group of us, always hanging out, having a blast, laughing and just goofing off. I’ve gone on quite a few adventures now, a few times up to Nashville, a couple times down to Brownsville and a trip to Memphis. Tasting good food, and sharing it with awesome company, I’ve learned to drive on roads more scary than most. There have been a lot of late nights staying up and hanging out, going on ice cream runs, watching movies and counting stars. There have been late nights full of singing and crying and feeling alive. My love for music is still strong and thankfully I live close enough to Nashville that I can go to show’s more often. They’re still one of my favorite things to do. I’ve showed others my passion for music and shared my favorite bands, as well as learning of new music and seeing powerful love for other bands I’ve never known about before. I’ve experienced these things with people who teach me new things every day, and encourage me to grow and learn and live. My ears are stretched and my nose is pierced; I’ve lost weight and gained confidence along with insight and inspiration, and thankfully, no more social anxiety, I’m always up for anything and a good adventure is always in my future. I’ve learned to quit talking about doing things, and actually going out and doing them.
I can’t believe how much I’ve grown and changed since senior year. I’ve learned how to cope with missing those who are closest to me, I’ve learned routine but also the excitement and freedom that comes with breaking that routine. And speaking of freedom, I’ve got more than I know what to do with, sure I’ve abused it, but I’ve also learned how to use it wisely and to use it to my advantage. I’ve come closer to God and farther away. Always fighting, always struggling and hoping that one-day I’ll get it right. Grandma’s house is still my escape; it’s cozier now more than ever. I visit Aunt Tandy’s house not nearly enough, but every time I have gone, I make wonderful memories. I’ve camped out and I’ve gone to the lake; I’ve taken many pictures and captured small segments of moments unforgotten. Me and my core group have gone up to Baylor to visit Caitlin and Spencer, it wasn’t a surprise this time, but it was still such a good time spent with new and old friends, coming together so beautifully. I plan to go on many more adventures, really having fun these next four years paired with working hard, I think it will be a successful college career.
Tennessee is still my favorite place, Jackson is still small, but I plan to make it big with all the memories I still have to fill it up with. If there’s one thing I still need to learn, it’s how to cherish the little things and the slow times. I know I love adventure and always doing, but sometimes slow down, appreciate the nothing that is going on at that moment, and see the beauty in slowness and find peace in the calm days. 

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