Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chapter 9: “If I could turn back time…”

            If I could do things differently, I think I’d be so much more outgoing and spontaneous. Isn’t that what adventure and life and fun are all about, going with the flow, and doing whatever comes your way? I would have stayed connected, tried harder than I ever did, to keep in touch and hang out with the friends that were closest to me. I would have committed myself to tennis, or raising a cow, or art and photography. Instead I kind of did a little bit of everything, which wasn’t a bad thing, but I still wonder what it would have been like to do those things.
            I would have sat with that kid at lunch, or asked him to sit with me. I would have not just asked if that girl was all right, when I knew the tears said she wasn’t, but I would have hugged her too. I would have spent the night at Mackenzie’s house and I would have met the people I know now, earlier. I would have found a way to make our paths cross and I would have made a point of doing more things with them, and getting to know them better before it was too late.
            I would have made a point to go to every single football game that was at home, every softball game I could, and more basketball games. I already regret not going to as many football games that I could have, because those were some of my favorite times when I did end up going. I also regret not going to softball games; they were always my favorite to watch.
            Lastly, I would have hung out with so many more friends. I would have made more friends, and had the time of our lives. After all, isn’t that what high school is about? I would have taken more pictures with all my friends, so we could have frozen moments to remember.

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